#LessonsWithAL - Vlog

While going through some of my old Twitch clips (I went through them ALL to make sure I had no DMCA violations - which is a story for another day) I spotted a clip of me a few years ago sharing some “lessons” while playing 'Life is Strange’. The message is still something I believe in today and yet sometimes ownership or lack there of is sometimes not within our control.

Watch ALRAHLO's clip titled "Get & Own your own. #LessonsWithAL"

I’ve been working hard to stay on top of my journaling so I figured the lessons that I’ve learned along the way, why not share it with someone else?

My writing has never been anything that I’ve been eager to share with anyone. I’m at a stage in life now that I feel it’s of importance to express the parts of myself that I’m willing to connect with others on. Hopefully the things I do share helps someone out there, if nothing else but to not feel alone. If not, at least I know it helps me retain.

Becoming more aware is going to be a ongoing process - writing and journaling helps me practice awareness in real time. I’m not someone who currently runs on auto pilot and having things to reference back to always helps.

This vlog was super difficult for me to shoot but glad I did. By recording it I’m sure to remember these lessons and keep them with me as I grow. Self reflection is important. Make sure you are constantly checking in with yourself to ensure that you are living the experience that you want or working toward it.

#LessonsWithAL | October 2020

Week 1:

Awareness is everything.

Week 2:

Wait for a direct message.

Week 3:

“Cut your losses and with gusto”

Week 4:

Everyone is a star.

Nothing great value, everything high quality.

Devil in the details.

Step your “pocketbook” up.

Week 5:

Speak things as though they are.

Sound & vibrations.



