Alexandria’s Vision


It was in Marvel's WandaVision where I first discovered the concept of Chaos Magic. Chaos magic allows Wanda (The Scarlet Witch) to create whatever illusion she wants WITHOUT limitations. After watching the amazing take of Maximoff's tale, I'd started to fancy myself a creator of my own realm... a multidimensional being spanning across unlimited timelines and unlimited outcomes. I simply must choose what I want and the will to receive it!

Wanda crafted her grand illusion in a town she expected to live out her dreams of being a family woman in the midst of her grief. Her grief enclosed an entire city and the people who lived there against their will... imagine what she could do with her joy.

Honor your emotions.. albeit they may not always be “under control”, it is still important to feel them. Our emotions are apart of our experience. Wanda understood that regardless of how unbecoming it came across to others, she put herself first. Society may make you feel like you don’t have a voice or your feelings (however grand they may be) are invalid and that’s simply not the case. Our ability to create, our emotions, and our creations all work in tandem. Each of these things may be unique to us because our experiences are unique. You are one of a kind! Spending time reflecting on my relationship with my own creations and the reasons why I wanted to do them in the first place helped me incept this very project! I honor my progress.

Traversing through this simulation called life, I've vowed to adapt a form of the concept of being a multidimensional being... with my thoughts and more importantly my intentions and awareness. Like Wanda we may fall short long the way (hopefully not by controlling or manipulating others against their will), but making this simulation a reality (of your choosing) can and is ALWAYS being done!


We are multidimensional.

We can create our dream worlds with our sheer will.

Bring the chaos, with limitations.

Inspiration & Behind the Scenes of Alexandria's Vision

Chaos Magic VFX After Effects Tutorial (Track Motion)

  1. Import your video and your VFX file.

    If your VFX file has a solid color behind it apply a linear chroma key.

  2. Select Animation > Track Motion

  3. Move the box with the x on the object that you want it to track (your eyeballs).

  4. Select Edit Target and select your VFX layer.

  5. Edit the Target to your VFX

  6. Apply!

WandaVision Piano Cover


I Quit… #The Great Resignation
